Return Policy:
100% satisfaction guaranteed. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will gladly refund or exchange it. You must notify us of your return or exchange by emailing within 48 hours of receipt of your shipment in order for us to issue a refund or exchange. A refund or exchange will be issued once the original purchase is shipped back to us in its original packaging and received. A refund will only be issued to the credit card used at the time of purchase.
If a mistake was made by Tea By G in filling your order or you received damaged goods, we will gladly refund or exchange those items once they are shipped back to us and received. Please note that we do not accept COD orders. Shipping costs incurred due to a mistake or damaged goods will be refunded to your credit card. Damaged items or mistakes will be reshipped to you at no additional shipping charge to you. Damaged items or mistakes in your order must also be reported by emailing When returning a shipment, please ensure that you receive a tracking number for your package that the shipment is insured.
Shipping costs are calculated during the checkout process. Shipping rates within North America are standard. International shipping rates may vary. Please contact us directly at if you wish to ship outside of North America.
If your order is a gift, simply fill out your information in the bill to portion and fill in the receiver’s address in the ship to portion of the check out page.